Guardian Pharmacy of Jacksonville hosted the Big Red Bus on Tuesday January 18, in honor of National Blood Donor Month.
A new year has already started…and with it comes the hope of better things to come. New opportunities, new resolutions and new beginnings. We are proud to partner with OneBlood to kick off the year by helping others! We were honored to invite our staff, family and local healthcare professionals to help us kick off a season of giving. The reason to donate is simple…it helps save lives. According to the OneBlood website “every two seconds of every day, someone needs blood. Since blood cannot be manufactured outside the body and has a limited shelf life, the supply must constantly be replenished by generous blood donors
Blood donors play a vital role in the healthcare of patients in your community. 37% of the population is eligible to donate blood, yet only 5% actually do. Consider making a donation next time you see the Big Red Bus!